Music - Promotion - Production

Mixfest at the Hatch Memorial Shell with a crowd of 40,000.

Music is an essential element at parties,
receptions and events.
Want to inspire the crowd? Excite the guests?
Start the Party?
Or, simply set the mood for dining?
An experienced DJ is often key to a successful event.
Tad Bonvie is that DJ.
His unique and exciting style is heard now on
From hosting the Mix night shift to mixing
it up for the Saturday Night Party Mix,
his expertise both on-the-air and in the DJ booth
at nightspots across New England
has allowed him to entertain audiences of
every kind and size, from small crowded cafes in Faneuil Hall to audiences of 40,000 at the
Hatch Memorial Shell for Mixfest.
Before joining “Boston’s Best Variety” station
Mix 104.1 fm,
Tad Bonvie’s musical influence was heard as an on- air personality pioneering such shows as the Music Scene countdown and the Club Kiss Saturday night mix show, as well as, behind the scenes as Music Director at Boston's Kiss-108.
"For every generation music captures life’s events, putting its’ own indelible stamp on the
times of our lives.
Music brings back those times and feelings,
making them new again by joining them with today.
Like familiar scents, the perfect songs
can spark memories
that create excitement and set the mood."
Tad Bonvie has had the pleasure
of choosing those songs at many successful
events and happy occasions.
Tad's experience also includes lead DJ positions at many legendary Boston night spots including, Houlihan's Old Place, Nine Lansdowne Street and Zanzibar. He was director of the Boston Record Pool and has produced live music shows including the
National Dance Music Awards and the World Karaoke Championship.